Award Recommendation Sheet
- Full Name: Garan Ilya Alekseevich (Гаран Илья Алексеевич)
- Rank: Private (Рядовой)
- Position & Unit: Combat vehicle driver, Separate Heavy Mortar Battalion, 284th Rifle Division (Отдельный Тяжелый Минометный Батальон 284-й Стрелковой Дивизии)
- Recommended Award: Order of the Red Star (Орден Красной Звезды)
- Year of Birth: 1918
- Nationality: Ukrainian (Украинец)
- Party Membership: Non-Party (Беспартийный)
- Participation in the Great Patriotic War: Served on various fronts, including the 3rd Ukrainian Front and 2nd Belarusian Front
- Wounds & Concussions: Lightly wounded
- Service in the Red Army Since: April 1943
- Enlistment Location: Drafted by the Raivelsky District Military Commissariat
- Previous Awards: Medal "For Combat Merit" (Медаль «За боевые заслуги»), awarded on August 6, 1944, by Order No. 81 of the 284th Rifle Division
- Permanent Home Address: (Redacted or not listed)
Summary of Combat Feat or Merit
In October 1944, during the battle for Tiszafüred (Hungary), where the enemy had concentrated a significant force, Comrade Garan displayed exceptional courage and professionalism. While performing his duties as a vehicle driver, he also showed remarkable skill as a machine gunner, preventing the enemy from approaching his vehicle.
At one point, the squad leader ordered the machine gun to be removed from the vehicle and taken forward into the trenches. While the squad advanced, Garan remained with the vehicle, observing his surroundings as night fell. He maintained vigilance, ensuring that enemy soldiers could not creep up or throw grenades at the vehicle.
Suddenly, he heard rustling sounds behind him. Realizing that enemy troops were crawling toward him, he quickly maneuvered around, intercepted, and captured two Hungarian soldiers who had been left behind enemy lines to sabotage Soviet equipment and personnel.
His squad successfully completed their mission, and when the enemy was driven away from the riverbank, he repositioned his vehicle while continuing to provide covering fire from his machine gun.
As Soviet troops attempted to cross the river, enemy artillery began shelling the left bank to prevent their advance. While his vehicle was parked in the area, shrapnel from an artillery explosion damaged the rear tire. Despite this, he quickly maneuvered the vehicle out of the impact zone without the rear tire, ensuring that the engine and critical equipment were preserved.
For his exemplary execution of combat tasks, discipline, and bravery in battle, he was deemed worthy of receiving the Order of the Red Star.
Official Signatures & Approval
- Unit Commander: Acting Lieutenant Lisak (Лисак)
- Date: (April 1945)
- Final Award Approval: Confirmed by higher command