Private Sergei Budanov, driver in a Soviet Guards mortar regiment, showed bravery near Eger, Hungary, where a machine gun on his vehicle shot down three enemy planes during an air raid.
Last name, first name, and patronymic:
Budanov, Sergei Sergeevich -
Private -
Position, unit:
Driver of a towing vehicle, 3rd Battery, 297th Guards Red Banner Mortar Regiment
Nominated for the Order of the Red Star
Year of birth:
1895 -
Russian -
Party membership:
Non-party -
Participation in civil war and later in combat operations to defend the USSR and in the Patriotic War (where and when):
In the Patriotic War since 1943 -
Wounds or contusions during the Patriotic War:
Wounded on 14 January 1944 -
In the Red Army since:
1943 -
Which military commissariat called him up:
Perovo District Military Commissariat, Moscow -
What awards received previously (for which achievements):
Not awarded -
Permanent home address of the nominee and his family:
Not specified
13. Brief, specific description of personal combat feat or merit:
While working as a driver of a towing vehicle and being assigned to an attached searchlight crew, he transported himself and the crew to firing positions.
In the area of the city of Eger (Hungary), during enemy air raids, three enemy aircraft were shot down using the machine gun mounted on the towing vehicle.
Comrade Budanov demonstrated bravery and decisiveness in combat situations.
For exemplary performance in the fight against the German invaders and for demonstrated courage, he is worthy of the government award – the Order of the Red Star.
Dated: 7 March 1945
Commander of the 297th Guards Mortar Regiment
Military unit stamp: 297th Guards Mortar Regiment